Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Fantastic Maori Bread

Today we are making the fabulous Maori Bread. I didn't bring anything because I was sick. The people who are in my group are me E.C, Fantastic P.F, Lovely K.S, A.K and G.T.
I am feeling really excited about making the Maori Bread. I think the Maori Bread will have a different look to our normal bread. So it may look something like a bird shaped thing.
I think that it will taste yummy and melt inside your mouth. Mmmm sounds delicious.
Making the Bread was spectacular fun. What I got to do was rolling the dough and pouring the flour. The people in my group made a great team.
The most interesting thing that happened was watching the Maori Bread get made in the frying pan. What it did was puff up like a sausage.
The funniest part about this wonderful activity was that all the flour went everywhere, I mean everywhere.
The Maori Bread looked like a square orange because that was the colour of it, orange. Ok lets get back to the story.
Mmmmm, have you ever tasted Maori Bread, it's like me except tastier!
I would probably make it again because it is in my heart and always will be. Ok forget about that heart part thing BYE!!!!!!!

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